The 4 Ingredients to Digital Marketing Success

Quick Summary: Whether it is a PPC ad or an organic way to scale your business, certain key ingredients must be included in your digital marketing strategy to make it a success.

With so many channels and platforms, it becomes absolutely difficult to engage and keep a watch on all platforms. Online marketing strategies are capable of driving a higher return on investment (ROI) than traditional marketing.

SEO, Search Engine Optimization is the foundation of any successful digital marketing. SEO is designed to boost the ranking in online search results.

Survey says that 75% of people do not look past the first page of search results. So even if you have the best UI/UX of your website and still don’t rank on the first page, it’s of no use.

Read Also: How To Improve Your Website’s UX

When your website ranks on the first page of the search engine result pages (SERP), you get more qualified leads for your products and services related to your business. Thus higher search rankings transfigure into leads, phone calls, and ultimately revenue. 

Social Media has also helped many organizations to scale and come in the eye of users. Different social media channels like Instagram and Facebook gives you leverage to promote your brand and create an impression. 

To rank in search results and celebrate the digital marketing strategy success, you must ensure you have key ingredients ingrained within your strategy. Creating quality content, cleaning site code, streamlining site design and navigation, and earning backlinks are a few among the fundamental ingredients. Let’s learn more.

Key Ingredients to Digital Marketing Success

1. Segment Customers

One of the keys to digital marketing strategy success is by segmentation of each customer. Every organization has its way to segment its audiences, such as location, their buying interest, or behavior. However, experts in digital marketing suggest the best method of segmenting customers is a phase where they were in a buying cycle. 

The prospects of the company must be engaged when the customer shows interest in trying out the products or services or is near to purchasing a product. 

The best practice to segment customers is through integrating a customer relationship management (CRM) system. The CRM can be linked with an email engine and website for personalization.

Once the users become customers, any communication further must focus on converting loyal ones, advocate, and re-engage with the brand.

2. Integrating Channels

Integrating channels make sure that the company has a single view of the customer, and so does the customer. Experts believe that integration is one of the keys to digital marketing success. They also believe that without integrating channels, your brand may come under great risk with just a single post. 

To make the integration successful, a company must know what channels do their customer use and how. The data of consumers using channels must be available and visible to the entire organization in order to manage the customer relationship in a coordinated fashion. 

Experts stressed that a single view of the customer is effective for messaging and better for providing customer service. 

3. Automation 

The rise of disruptive technology like automation has been increasingly adopted widely. It is also proving to be a key ingredient in making digital marketing successful. 

Marketing automation is keen on ensuring that departments use the same customer information and deliver a consistent message with breaking down the silo structure of the organization. 

The silo-structure decreases the inter-department communication about the customer. With automation, most isolated organizations or departments can communicate with a customer through a virtual channel. This single virtual platform can deliver a single value proposition to the customer.

Read Also: Major Google Algorithm Updates

4. Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Another characteristic that makes digital marketing success is the key performance indicator (KPI). KPI notifies what is important, to what extent goals can be accomplished, of both marketings as well as the business department. 

KPIs can track any channel or a particular piece of content progress. In business, KPI helps the management to understand how marketing is affecting their financial goals. On the other hand, for marketing, KPI is useful in indicating whether the customer is engaging and responding to the content or not.

Termed as an ‘attribution’, which notifies whether the page is driving conversions or needs improvements. Thus, to understand the actual reason for conversions, page views, and clicks, KPIs must be integrated into the digital marketing strategy.

Added Ingredients

Explaining the ‘why’ Factor

In order to attract relevant customers, you need to explain as to ‘why’ should they buy your product or service to make their life better. However, this isn’t a feature or benefit to incorporate within your website. This change of nature of doing business can be understood here – 

  • First, by underlining the core purpose of your business and then how to market them.
  • Creating a landing page is for the customer to connect through your ad to the website. Thus when creating one, ensure to add a ‘why’ factor when writing a blog post for it.
  • Understand your ideal customer and redefine the persona. Identify where they are, what they do, identify their core values, and what drives them to buy your products and return to you.

PPC/Paid Ads 

A widely used feature by any Digital marketing service provider to target customers is PPC Ads. When looking to boost the ranking of your website quickly, PPC or paid ads are the best and most flexible option for businesses in most industries. Flexible because you can set your campaign budget as per allocations for marketing. 

PPC advertising only asks to pay when a user clicks through your ad. It means you do not have to pay out unnecessarily for your ad. 

PPC also offers advanced targeting options that allow you to refine or segment the customers. You can target people based on demographics, location, and even the type of devices they use. 

Read Also: Top 9 Key Performance Indicators in PPC Advertising

Social Media Marketing

With time, social media has tremendously been used as a perfect pass time and connecting with other people globally. Companies have also leveraged the potential of social media platforms without being pushy. Today, social media can be one of the factors to create a consistent presence and cost-effectively manage your reputation. 

You can directly connect with your customers through social media channels, and to address their concerns, you can create content on your website. Social Media is a valuable customer service tool that leverages you to run PPC to target your ideal customers. 

In the Nutshell –

You would not want to forget about the key components, like Marketing Analytics, content creation, social media marketing, and more, when digitally marketing your brand. For continuous leads and earnings, you would like to monitor the footfall of each customer. 

With the help of monitoring, you can underline the differences and gaps in your website to fill in. With the help of CRM, you can segment your customer for better understanding and best practices to offer a better customer experience. For integrated channels and other relevant facilitation, you can always consult with a Digital Marketing Service Provider. 


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