The Best 10 Mobile App Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021

Quick Summary: The aftermath of the pandemic showing nothing but endless uncertainty in several sectors. Be that as it may, for any mobile app design company, there is still reason to be optimistic despite the momentary setbacks. In this article, We are sharing The Best 10 Mobile App Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021.

For many sectors and industries, 2020 has been depressing on several fronts and parameters due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The aftermath of the pandemic showing nothing but endless uncertainty in several sectors. Be that as it may, for any Mobile app design company, there is still reason to be optimistic despite the momentary setbacks. The app development industry across the board is witnessing massive changes and is gearing up for 2021 on a positive note of resurgence and innovation with new app marketing trends.

Besides availing virtual connectivity, enhancing remote services and making online work and education possible, Mobile App Development Company provides redefining many norms across industry and global workplaces. New innovations and adaptations are improving virtual services. That is a significant reason to be optimistic about 2021. The capability of mobile apps is expanding and 2021 seems like a year poised to even bring more innovation in the mobile app sector. So what mobile app marketing trends will pioneer change for the global recovery process?

Dominant Mobile App Marketing Trends for 2021

Mobile App Marketing Trends for 2021

  1. Mobile/Online Payments (UPI)

Today with social distancing and mask wear still in force across as a control measure, customers want not only safety but also convenience. Across business channels, from retail shops to online businesses, online or mobile payments are seeing significant usage and adoption. Besides risk control, customers have the pleasure of spending when necessary with minimal exposure. Cash its benefits and constraints.

Universal payment interfaces give customers several options. The digital wallet is an adaptive, convenient, and innovative platform. Be it international to national payments, all are taken care of conclusively. From PayPal, Google Pay, there are multiple payments options

  1. Net Banking

Long lines and queues at the banks to access and check one account realities and status is a thing of the past. As unprecedented efforts are on to limit cash usage to minimal, net banking apps are already seeing significant use by banks and other financial institutions. They drive multiple ways to avail services, convenience, safety, and save time.

  1. Adaptive Intelligent AI -Chatbots

Intelligent AI Chatbots use is on the rise and fittingly so. Chatbots react to customer queries and try to address initial doubts and concerns. They imitate human behaviour and responses or emotions using the pre-set script and AI patterns.

Chatbots can do reservations, make surveys, send orders, reply to queries, etc Chatbots help reveal customer behaviour as they interact with them regularly. This opens marketing chances and enhances engagement.

They can work 24/7, 365, enhance customer satisfaction and reduce the need for extra staff, operations cost reduction and save time. Mature or experienced Chatbots can give correct answers from regularly asked queries by using past data.

  1. Social Media Commerce

Apart from being an engine for change today, users find more products and brands by browsing social media platforms. They search online websites to make purchases. Social media commerce uses social media platforms to give seamless shopping experiences to customers.

Social media platforms across promote and sell products and services. Brands integrate social links that give customers the ability to go over their ads for more information and possibly lead conversions.

  1. Voice Search

Voice search has emerged given the varied market demographics. Voice search will keep growing and evolving through 2021. Customers with digital mobile devices like smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, phablets, and other smart office and homes devices already use voice search to take advantage of virtual assistants like Google and Siri. The issue though is they apply varied search terms in speaking versus typing. Voice search needs advertisers and marketers to use long-tail keywords to get users style of speaking over short typing style.

  1. User-Generated Content

Increasingly, user-generated is still a metric that continues to impact marketing. From the text, images, audio, and videos, users create and post online all the time. User-generated content is reliable or trustworthy as it reflects real-life, unpaid user experiences and opinions.

User-generated content can either be helpful or destructive, positive or negative. The positive content brings good benefits that enhance sales, brand recognition, business services and products trust and reliability. The negative content damages customer faith, trust and perception of the brand and business overall.

  1. Mobile Commerce (m-commerce)

Mobile commerce or m-commerce unlike e-commerce is very much on the resurgence today. Mobile phone and tablet usage have increased and paved the way for e-commerce to penetrate internet marketing more. This is because mobile sales have increased by more than 22%.  These 7 Effective Mobile App Marketing Tips For Small Businesses can also benefit.

Customers are okay with shopping online, and website optimization for mobile is critical. COVID-19 is pushing customers away from shopping malls to using online shopping. Therefore to benefit from this Mobile Marketing Services trend, it is best to eliminate all obstacles to online shopping for customers.

  1. Mobile Advertisement

Mobile advertising is target-specific to a particular demographic. Why is Mobile App Design Foremost in Mobile App Development? Target-specific ads meet specific consumer needs. Target-specific ads are effective in reaching the target audience. They deliver offers that meet consumer needs at the right time. Bluetooth technology helps know the best time and place for ads placement, increase chances of consumer engagement.

  1. Global Scale 5G, AI, AR and VR

5G is already underway with the smart devices supporting its functions also available in the market. Several manufacturers are already upgrading the launched models that support 5G. There is a positive reception by users that want to experience faster internet connection and usage.

AI, AR and VR apps are seeing significant usage due to 5G internet. 5G data provides faster traffic compared to 4G and earlier internet connectivity. Business can add AR and VR across the board.

  1. Video Content Marketing

Video content marketing had already taken shape and gained more traction. Videos apps have a faster way to connect with constituents and target-audiences besides availing significantly faster ROI overall.

Progressive video marketing data reveals customers are more likely to prefer video content over text. Therefore, in 2021 videos account for internet traffic and content. Moreover, customers watch videos on social media via digital devices like mobile phones or tablets.

Mobile video ads expenditure is already on the rise. And video content marketing is changing content-wise but there is still room for further change and adaptation.


For a Mobile App Design Company, 2021 promises new frontiers in the mobile app marketing trends with fresh innovations to drive economies back to health and vitality. These innovations are the new face of changing technological realities.


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