App Store Optimization Tips & Checklist for 2023- Sprink Digital

Quick Summary: App store optimization is one of the best approach to boost our application in Android and Apple Play Store. In this article, We have shared App Store Optimization Tips & Checklist for 2023.

When you’re first starting out as an app developer, your biggest concern isn’t going to be marketing; it’s going to be getting your app approved by Apple’s App Store review team. Apple routinely rejects apps from the App Store, and if you want to get your new app approved, it’s a good idea to work with an experienced marketing team that can help your product gain traction before its release date.

App Store Optimization Tips & Checklist for 2023

App Store Optimization Tips

1. Understand Why ASO Is Important

You need to first understand that you aren’t selling an app—you’re selling a lifestyle. You’re selling how your app will make people feel. If you were to walk up to someone and ask hey, want an app? They’d either turn around and ignore you or look at you like a crazy person. But if they hear it from their friends, they’ll be more likely to listen because they trust their friends more than they trust you (if they don’t even know who you are). That’s why building relationships with influencers is so important, because not only do influencers have a large reach and social network, but their followers also trust them.

2. Discover If Your Product has a Competitive Advantage

In our world, it’s not enough to have a product idea. You have to know that your product has an advantage over everything else on store shelves or in customers’ heads. This is especially true if you want to compete in crowded markets with established players. A good way to assess your competitive position is by looking at how other products and brands differentiate themselves from their competition.

Determine How Successful Your Product Is: If you already have a product (or even if you just plan on launching one soon), ask yourself how likely it is that people will buy your product. What makes it unique? How big is your market? Are there direct competitors? Will they sue you for copyright infringement when they find out about your new solution?

3. Include Keywords in Title, Description, and Preview Text:-

In addition to in-app content and metadata, keywords play a key role in App Store Optimization. After all, your app won’t show up for general keyword searches if there aren’t any keywords contained within its title, description, or preview text. Furthermore, Apple has made it clear that it relies on these fields when determining which apps to feature—Apple often calls out these fields directly when explaining how to rank higher in search results.

As a result, you should use at least 10 unique words within each of these fields; appending common search terms (e.g., free, best, games, etc.) can help you achieve that goal without forcing you to sacrifice readability or attention to detail.

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4. Research Keywords and Build An Audience Around Them

Knowing what keywords you want to rank for is a good start to figuring out what your app store optimization (ASO) should be. Researching those keywords, especially within your niche, is an excellent way to build a strong community of users around your app. Your audience can become part of a bigger conversation and can spread awareness of your app.

They’ll also be able to direct each other towards positive reviews and bring more attention to your app in general. In addition, gathering feedback will help shape future updates and allow you to create better apps that people love.

5. Create Original Screenshots That Promote Your Product

It can be tempting to add product shots that you’ve used before but don’t. Apple specifically states that you cannot submit apps with duplicate content, and it takes these violations very seriously. Instead, invest some time in creating original images for your product page that make it obvious what users will experience once they download your app. Because Apple has no central location for these images (like Google Play does), you’ll need to create them on a per-platform basis. This can be done through Xcode (for iOS) or in Adobe Photoshop (for macOS).

In some cases, such as iTunes Connect on iOS, screenshots need to be optimized for smaller screens; Adobe provides templates for universal and iPhone 6/7-specific screenshots on its website here.

6. Use Your Product’s Name in your Keywords

When uploading your app, include keywords and phrases that best describe your product in its title and description. For example, if you’re launching a fitness-tracking app, you might use fitness or workout or weight loss. Users are also more likely to search for words that include misspellings (e.g., fines), so be sure to include those as well. The more specific you can be in these areas, the better.

Apple’s App Store has over 1 million apps available, so standing out from other similar products is crucial. You’ll want to be able to appear at least on page one of searches when users type in relevant terms. It may take some time before your product appears on searches, but it will happen eventually if you put enough effort into ASO. Also, remember that there are separate stores for different countries, so make sure you research what people will search for where your customers live.

If your app contains videos or photos: You should include high-quality images and videos with a high resolution wherever possible within both descriptions and promotional material of your app—and make sure they match!

7. Upload A Background Image and Don’t Forget About The Icons:-

On a purely aesthetic level, your icon and background image should be clean and simple. Think about Apple’s simplistic style when it comes to their own App Store icons and how that translates into an overall experience. App Store Optimization Services is all about first impressions, so make sure you’ve got a great first impression by using both of these elements effectively. If you’re looking for some good examples of how not to do these things, check out our Bad App Page section!

8. Establish A Social Media Presence

There are countless ways to promote your app. You could go viral on social media, or buy ads on search engines like Google and Bing. Even if you don’t want to spend a dime, your app still needs a social media presence. For one thing, it helps you keep in touch with customers who use your app. Second, you’ll need followers to help spread awareness about your upcoming releases. And third, it can be a good way to recruit beta testers for your next big update.

If you have time, there are also some creative ways to build up a following without spending money: create an account on Reddit and participate in relevant Subreddits; start writing reviews of other apps; share news stories that mention your app; etc. Regardless of how you do it, remember that building an audience takes time—so don’t give up!

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9. Keep Your Information Up-To-Date

iTunes Connect makes it easy to update your app’s information. Some important updates include app descriptions, keywords, and screenshots. Use keywords people would search for in order to find your app; also make sure to update your information as soon as possible when you want to push out an update or change anything about your app.

10. Avoid Rejected Apps Like The Plague! (And How To Avoid Rejection!)

The app store rejection is one of those dreaded words that absolutely no one wants to hear. Rejection comes in many forms and for many reasons. You might be surprised at how common it is for applications to get rejected by Apple’s App Review Team and if you want your applications to avoid being rejected, there are a few things you can do.

It’s easier than you think to make sure that you don’t submit any apps that may get rejected! Before we jump into all of those tips, here are a few common types of rejection: – Technical Issues – Content Issues – App Name Issues, So how can you avoid these? Read on and let’s find out!


With ASO, there are so many easy wins to be found that most people take for granted. By simply following these ASO tips and creating a simple checklist, you’ll find yourself with a much better chance of hitting your target downloads, reviews, and rankings. I hope you enjoyed my App Store Optimization Tips & Checklist! Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below!


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