Types of Keywords in SEO You Need to Know

Quick Summary: Keywords are specific words and phrases that guide the user to the intended site page. They are SEO aligned words and phrases into web page content that easily guide the user to the desired page.

What are Keywords?

Keywords are the words or phrases in the on-page web content that simplify access to website pages through search engines. Well-optimized websites for search engines expand potential visitor base using keywords in SEO that easily guide searchers to sites landing pages.

Essentially keywords or phrases are added to web pages to make access to web pages easier, faster, and simpler. They guide help guide a website user to a specific page or item they are looking for or searching for. Additionally, for a Digital Marketing Agency, keywords are words or phrases identifying or pointing out what people are searching for when fed into the browser. They are also words or phrases describing the topic written about as they are placed in the body of the text of context.

What types of keywords are used in SEO and why are they important?

As known keywords are the bridge between the user search and the content provided to fill the need. As every business’s goal is to rank on search engines to drive maximum organic traffic towards their site, keywords play the principal role in determining the kind of traffic you get.

Keywords let you uniquely dictate your products and services. In order to make sure that your keywords are effectively are helping reach relevant customers, you need to create content that understands the current needs of the customer in the language they can easily grab. Before structuring your content you must research, which can be done through various methods such as forums and using keyword research tools that list out the relevant types of keywords for SEO.

Types of Keywords Critical in SEO You Need to Know

Types of Keywords By length

  1. Short-Tail or Head Keywords

These are keywords normally between 1 or 2 words but possess high search volumes.

  1. Keywords

These are keywords usually made up of 2 to 3 words phrases with median search volume capability which is neither high nor low.

  1. Long-Tail Keywords

They usually keywords consisting of four or more words put together but have a low search volume. They account for the largest bulk of web traffic search.

Essential Features of Long-Tail Keywords

  • Low search volume
  • Low competitive rate
  • Specific search intention
  • High conversion rate

What is long tail keywords

  1. Short-Tail Keywords

These are short keywords mainly consisting of not more than 3 words or less. Short-tail keywords have a high search volume given their short nature but are also equally highly competitive in search terms. Short-tail keywords are preferred by users as they are shorter and easier to adapt or feed into the browser when searching for various search terms or researching other topics.

Essential Features of Short-Tail Keywords

  • High search volume
  • High competitive rate
  • Broad search intention
  • Low conversion rate
  1. Short-Term Fresh Keywords

Fresh keywords deal typically with the latest typed data or information being searched for. Though holding high initial organic search volumes because of the interest and excitement it gradually wears off with time.

Essential Features of Short-Term Fresh Keywords

  • High initial organic search interest
  • Medium competitive rate
  • Specific search intention
  • High conversion rate

Types of Targeting Keywords

  1. Long-Term Evergreen Keywords

Evergreen keywords are words that tend to be relevant and highly searched for a prolonged period. Sometimes the search volumes are inconsistent depending on season and relevance they are hey are always stable and don’t suffer from any sudden changes. Thus the name evergreen implies a sense of normalcy in search volumes on a long term basis. For example, search engine optimization has an evergreen search rate in the SERPs,

Essential Features of Long-Term Evergreen Keywords

  • Moderate search volumes
  • Median competitive rate
  • Specific search intention
  • High conversion rate

long-term Evergreen keywords

  1. Intent Targeting Keywords

The business or searcher is driven by different motives to come online. Intent targeting keywords are basically when a user comes online and performs queries there are specific motives behind every action. And generally, these consist of informational, commercial, or transactional motives.

  1. Customer Defining Keywords

This is a specific customer profile based keyword. An imaginary customer profile for your targeted audience means there is a target you create to achieve.

Essential Features of Customer Defining Keywords

  • Low search volume
  • Low competitive rate
  • Specific search intent
  • High conversion rate
  1. Product Defining Keywords

Product defining keywords look for something very specific. Searchers look for product defining keywords targeting products they remember to a high level of familiar detail. Product defining keywords are helpful to businesses especially online businesses in this age of e-commerce.

Essential Features of Product Defining Keywords

  • Low search volume
  • Low competitive rate
  • Specific search intent
  • High conversion rate

Product defining keywords

  1. Geo-Targeting Keywords

Geo-targeting is focusing on specific areas, cities states, or using geo-targeting keywords. Geo-targeting keywords are quite beneficial and helpful for small local businesses with a focus on attracting more relevant customers in the local area for the business.

Essential Features of Geo-Targeting Keywords

  • Low search volume
  • Low competitive rate
  • Specific search intent
  • High conversion rate

Types of On-site Keywords

LSI Keywords

Synonyms of primary keyword, LSI keyword used in SEO are meant to support the primary keyword in a piece of content. The keywords ingrained in the content are distributed as one primary keyword followed by three to four LSI, which helps search engines better comprehend and rank the page.

Primary Keywords

Keywords that are the main term that your want to target. SEO optimization for any website is only fruitful when you assign a primary keyword.

Types of Google Ad Words Keywords For SEO

Broad Match Keywords

A search term targeted in a Google Ads campaign, which tells Google to show an ad for any search that, is a variation of the keyword. Using this keyword will allow your ad to be displayed to those who search for a similar phrase or relatable variation that matches the broad term.

Phrase Match Keywords

This type of SEO keyword is used when you want Google to display an ad when a user types an exact match keyword. The exact phrase does not restrict from adding words before and after the phrase, a user can add words as per his search term and Google can still fetch the exact phrase within it.

Negative Keywords

A variation of broad match, phrase match, and exact match keywords, negative keywords in SEO are the types that are genuinely removed from the search campaigns. Negative keywords mean that you dictate Google to stop including a set of specific keywords in your ad campaign.

Types of Buyer Relevant Keywords in SEO

Navigational Keywords

Users explicitly looking for a website for a particular brand make use of navigational terms. Most searches, when examined carefully, use navigational keywords when they are taking a step ahead in the purchase funnel learning about different options, and choosing the best after comparing.

Informational Keywords

These types of keywords are used to provide the customer with a piece of general information. The awareness about the problem and the urgent need for a solution is what grabs the user to the relevant content through informational keywords.

Transactional Keywords

This term is used when the user moves forward with the purchasing. A transactional keyword is an affirmation of trusting a brand and buying its products. This also depicts that the customer is contented with the brand and finds the brand the right one.


Whereas all keywords are target specific or used to achieve a set of objectives for a Digital Marketing Agency all these keyword streams matter. In the dispensation of online marketing, specific keyword attribution is a vital aspect.


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