The Fundamentals of a Successful Chatbot Strategy

Quick Summary: Earlier, when chatbots were invented, their journey for providing customer engagement was not clearly mapped out. But today, more and more brands are acknowledging the potential of this technology and getting on board with bots to provide business-as-a-service.

We’ve seen the need for conversational commerce is growing day by day. Since people, more and more, tend to seek customer services with the help of social media, thus businesses are starting to invest in bots to address the concerns of their customers at any point in time. 

What experts surveyed said that chatbots are expected to save billions of business by 2022 through streamlining the customer service and bot-based commerce. 

Did you know 69% of consumers prefer to communicate with chatbots because they offer speedy answers and solutions? Chatbots are proving to be a potential and effective tool for engagement. And when any business uses them to their full potential, they can generate sales and monetize social media accounts easily.

One of the brilliant examples to justify the statement is CHATTYPEOPLE. It’s a leading platform to build a bot as per your requirement in just a few minutes. Chatty people allows you to create even the complex of bots that can carry out multiple tasks. 

Benefits of Embedding Chatbot

Oracle surveyed that 80% of businesses would want to implement chatbots by the end of 2020. Undoubtedly the hype and promise of chatbot technology and have been wildly successful. Technological advancements, as the insertion of AI, have allowed transcending the role of Chatbot. Conversational AI in Chatbots can help customers, entertain users, and market your products to your target audience. You can surely benefit from chatbots by –

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  • Reaching potential clients through their preferred apps and platforms.
  • Providing customer support 24/7
  • Delivering personalized ads 
  • Nurturing your leads
  • Monetizing your social media 
  • Saving time to develop new products or strategies.

However, developing a successful chatbot can be challenging as it would require a high level of adaptability. Thus, speaking of building a bot, we have some characteristics which must be mentioned in your strategy. Also, you can simply hire a Chatbot Development Company to have a ready-to-use bot.

Characteristics to Implement for Building a Successful Bot

Don’t Jump Directly to Big

If you are implementing bot software for the first time in your business, start with baby steps. However, you may get fascinated and tempted to employ multiple bots in the market as quickly as possible, but it is essential to first analyze the experience of your clients with the bots. This will help you come up with new ideas for broader reach, additional features, and subsequent use cases in the future. 

Use Cases Must Be A Priority

Bots can be built differently to perform a task or solve issues. Since every industry has its specific needs for deploying digital assistance, also every business has its own priorities and objectives, you must analyze and focus on the industry use cases. Identifying use cases across all departments of an organization and then prioritizing them for determining business value, as well as the complexity of the development of a bot, will help you analyze investment to business strategies & KPI. This way, your KPI can track success, which can help you see how results improve & how to fill additional features to further bot projects. 

One of the greatest examples of it is the Insurance AI bots. They have been developed to perform multiple functions at different stages of the customer lifecycle, assisting the customer with online quotations, onboarding new policyholders, helping them file a claim, or renewing their coverage. 

Read Also: RPA and Chatbots: The Powerful Intersection Of AI

Revolutionary Idea 

Now that we are well aware of what a bot is capable of, and we also know that it can be used more than just replacing human agents & 24*7 availability. So, you must underline the use cases of a bot prudently. Trending Conversational AI is a savvy way to engage your customer with seamless conversations through guided clicks, swipes, and forms. Thus, you can use the current disruptive technology to eliminate or automate some tedious tasks. 

Other than using the power of conversation from the Conversational digital assistant, you can employ it to remove friction within processes, and transform the way you greet & meet customer needs in order to give them a memorable brand experience.

Proof for Your Concept

The virtual and vital route for any organization is to iterate the bot idea and use case before investing in the project. The prototype of the project allows the business to experiment on different features, designs, and technology to be used. Before beginning with the project, it is also essential to consider the feedback of stakeholders so that you can make improvements. 

You must always keep in mind that your bot is the face of your organization and will reflect your brand importance, thus it is essential to have early designs and prototyping phases.

Choosing Technology

During the iterative or prototyping process, you must put forward which technology will you invest in to implement in a bot project. Thus, before considering a technology, you should evaluate the need to scale and extend to reach the audience. Along with infrastructure and architecture implementation, you should look for an optimum technology platform that helps in maximizing speedy marketing, performance, reusability, scalability, and value. 

Securing the Data

You can build and deploy a chatbot to execute necessary business tasks. But, some large organizations require complex tasks to perform successfully, which require rules, data, APIs, governance, and synchronization. As customers have different requirements with sometimes limited information, thus to fulfill the task a bot may require access to the data. The process of collecting data and performing the task successfully can be considered only when the data is absolutely secured. 

Customer data security and control is the priority for any organization to maintain trust between the customer and the company. Thus embedding technology like BaaS (backend-as-a-service) can enable backend system security and deliver meaningful experiences.  

Communication is the Key

Since embedding AI in the workplace has already turned into reality, it has been estimated by Gartner that AI will eliminate 1.8 million jobs. However, it will also create 2.3 million jobs, still, the fear to automate processes replacing humans is visible and unavoidable. Thus it is important to communicate with the existing employees about the bot strategy in the workplace. 

Business leaders understand that implementing AI, like other disruptive technologies in their workforce will turn out to be a game-changer. Yet including frontline employees in the bot strategy will assure of their continued role & responsibility with the company.

Some Other Considerations for Chatbot Strategy

Chatbot Strategy- Some Other Considerations for Chatbot Strategy

Making your Bot Proactive 

When you implement modern chatbots, your users may not be sure to use them or decide to interact with them in the first place. Here you can allow your bot to become proactive and chat with the users as soon as they open the chat window. 

Connecting Bot To eCommerce Platform

Apart from using a bot to serve the customer or in a marketing strategy, you can connect your chatbot to take orders and payments through messages, posts, and comments on eCommerce-platforms. You can also manage orders through your chatbot so that you can provide a seamless buying experience to your customer. 

Optimizing Bot

Like the site and mobile app optimization, it is essential to optimize your bot to fulfill the purpose effectively. With the help of optimization tools, you can track the real-time performance of your bot. You can use the A/B test to find the perfect level of humanity for your bot. Other than the performance, you can test other aspects like the tone of voice, introduction, conversation flow, features & self-serving options, and call to action.

Give It Personality

Since your bot is the representative of your brand’s services and products, thus it must be conversational enough to engage customers. Make your bot sound less like a machine and more a human. This helps in providing the highest user experience. You can inform your customers that they are interacting with a bot, regardless of being a machine it is capable of providing human-like language and context to create a smooth experience to leave them wanting more.

In the Nutshell –

The speedy service offered by the bot is exactly what people are looking for in the situation of immediate quenching. Thus in order to build a successful chatbot, you will have to look for relative characteristics to adopt in your business strategy. A conversational chatbot can have a huge impact on the company’s growth. Also, an effective chatbot can help you build sales funnel, which will in turn give you more conversions from your social media platforms. To have a ready-to-use chatbot you can consider Chatbot Development Company.


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