What’s the Major Difference Between Content Marketing and Content Strategy?

Quick Summary: For a Content Marketing Agency, every plan, step, goal and endeavor is driven by a major aspiration long term and short term. It is, therefore, vital and important to pursue and address a well-planned and executed content marketing plan that buffets a good content strategy

Content marketing is the actual writing, publishing, and promotion of great content online whereas content strategy is the systematic follow up of the right content topics and themes to achieve the desired objective in content marketing. Content strategy is the cohesive and comprehensive evaluation and study of the positive impact of the content marketing plans and steps.

Let us look at the reasons why these two are complementary and why both are necessary for a cohesive and overall content marketing and strategy.

Major Differences between Content Marketing and Content Strategy?

Content marketing enables businesses to connect with their target audiences crafting specific content. Content strategy defines high-level goals and objectives of the tone, design, and intention of the content.

Content marketing is the publication of different content types and formats to achieve certain business objectives. The content strategy addresses how, where, why and when these content types are best deployed.

Content marketing is aspirational in achieving certain goals and objectives. Content Strategy analytical as it seeks to engage with a long term and overall perspective.

Content marketing comes in defined content formats of application all aspiring to fulfill different aims and goals. Content strategy robustly as analytical and evaluation tool emphasizes the efficacy and potency of these content formats from time to time.

Why Do You Need Both Content Marketing and Content Strategy?

As two sides of the same coin, both content marketing, and content strategy work to achieve the same objective.

Content Marketing and Content Strategy

Great content marketing is not only a necessity to influence potential customers but also helps gain a higher rank in the SERPs, gain visibility and prominence, build authoritative, informative and relevant webpages. Content strategy, on the other hand, asks how all this can be achieved with strategic placement of content pieces, formats, and why and when. It ensures content marketing is well placed, timely and in the proper channels and tone.

Content strategy poses important questions of how, why, where and when at the right moment. It addresses the strategy to adopt and methods to use. It defines the content eco-system as well as the tools to adapt and adopt at specific times. It spells the criterion and expressly prioritizes what has to be created, updated and focused on. Its function is to achieve a lot of goals and aims at a broader level. It focusses on cohesion, consistency.

Content marketing defines the parameters relative to building close customer relationships (B2C), pushing dynamic yet clear business to business goals (B2B. Content marketing explores, ideates, allocates, constructs, edits, and measures the impact of its projects. It is buffeted by content strategy for a long term study of the trends and overall levels of achievement.

Content strategy wants to address the deeper and wider broad terms that focusing on cohesion and consistency. It aligns and puts together goals, functions, and objectives in a seamless manner to tell and define achievements in these modules. It is designed to facilitate objectives as it leverages a core knowledge of the target audience so that all content in all areas is target-specific. Content strategy delineates the overall content tone in content marketing. It establishes the tone, style, voice, design, and usage.

Content marketing espouses the basic content forms like blogs, articles, guest posts, infographics, listicles, press releases, webinars, and memes, etc. adopted from time to time to enhance a business objective and goal at a specific time. Content marketing aims to push business engagement in the short-term and also aims to support the overall purpose content strategy strives to achieve in the long term.|

Content strategy determines the processing regularity, governance, production process pushing the content creation overall. It ensures that as the diverse content types and channels are made it meets the intended purpose and goal or functions.

Content marketing is an aspirational tool that draws from various frontiers to achieve this aim. It employs various content mediums to ensure maximum reach and penetration. Content strategy is analytical and evaluates every content marketing tool or medium if it is having the rights impact as desired or envisioned. In other words, there is an interdependence and support between for successful business operations.

A content strategy will push your business and plan on a wider perspective and purpose plan leaving narrow or short term thinking goals. It’s the planner’s tool to look at the future possibility and potential from the prism of weighing each content marketing step, its objective and contribution.


Whereas for a Content Marketing Agency having excellent content marketing is an aspiration that is aimed at every day however a great content strategy buffets and supports it. In other words, content achieves its functional purpose when followed up with a properly planned and aimed content strategy.


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