Quick Summary: Digital marketing is a marketing branch that adapts and applies digital means and channels like content marketing, SEO, SEM, PPC, e-mail marketing, social media marketing, mobile marketing etc. to form an elaborate strategy of reaching and connecting with prospects and customers online.
COVID-19 has unleashed a new wave of ideas and strategies in digital marketing not only limited to the present situation but also is slowly becoming mainstream in every industry and professional domain. As a result of these digital marketing ideas and strategies the global pandemic’s impact is curtailed and progress is maintained on the work and business front.
For every Digital Marketing Firm, a new normal seems to be emerging from this pandemic with some of these ideas bound to stay for the foreseeable future. Besides remote work/work from home, social distancing, virtual/online meetings, and communication what are some of the other best Ideas to implement in COVD-19?
It’s obvious that with face to face client meetings not possible nor the usual digital marketing team strategizing and collaboration in person not applicable online remote work tools have come in handy. Besides team networking and collaboration these tools have come in handy to keep up with clients, prospects and target audiences. This also ensures that all digital marketing strategies are up and running throughout the online team collaboration.
COVID-19 has had a significant impact on lives globally. With quarantine restrictions and businesses closed, there are serious implications. People in their homes, children out of school, establishments closed, travel restricted all add up to serious convenience. It is time to show empathy and solidarity with the people and help wherever possible. COVID-19 is a time businesses can show sensitivity and a golden opportunity for brands to stand with people in a difficult time. With a lot of people on social media at home, browsing for updates and trying to stay connected. Business can contribute to charitable works or help the elderly and needy in any possible as people now need support, encouragement, counseling, motivation, resources to face the present hardships.
Social Media is the new global playground literally and figuratively. That means larger opportunity to engage with lots of prospects and clients in these changing business times. Social media is a faster and more dynamic way to pass on your company’s or business message to a large varied demographic and geography. However, with empathy and compassion in business especially during extreme situations, it helps build a great reputation and shore its image in customer’s minds.
Adapting and adopting key search engine optimization (SEO) strategies can be a major plus given the overwhelming search traffic presently. SEO can help rocket your business website climbing to the top positions in Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs). This will give your business even more visibility, prominence and faster customer recall in the SERPS. This is the best time for a business to chart out a future roadmap for recovery and sustain a competitive business streak. SEO also gives businesses higher organic traffic and better SERPs ranking since customers will search primary or related business keywords.
Also Read: Google Penalties And How To Protect Your Site?
There’s extremely high online search traffic significantly over the past few weeks and projected to grow further. This is a golden chance even amid COVID-19. Since a lot of digital devices are being used to search for the latest updates and other information because of the long hours of boredom, entertainment and ways to pass the time have increased. These ways include online shopping, playing video games, chat rooms and online casinos. So digital marketing strategies should look at all the offerings from PPC, e-mail marketing, search engine marketing, social media optimization etc. A great and diversified plan covers all potential areas for business growth and expansion.
Reputation Management is the tactic of presenting and maintaining the right image to your audience. Clients and prospects look for reliable, trustworthy, and dependable business partners especially in a crisis like COVID-19. Trustworthiness and respect are fundamental to marketing and sales at such times.
Businesses are looking for continued customer patronage or buying from them in this difficult time even beyond have to deliver and maintain the right image. Right from business tone (compassionate and considerate) as opposed to being cruel or arrogant. Businesses can show a human side of caring by offering discounts to wherever applicable and trying to make a difference in people’s lives. Importantly, keeping clients updated with new developments via digital channels.
There’s a diversity of ideas and ways to keep any business afloat and alive with the best of digital marketing strategies. Consulting a premier Digital Marketing Agency is another way to build a solid foundation with expert professional guidance in every domain of digital marketing.
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